Vietnam Successfully Develops Medical Support Robot
24 July 2024
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**Vietnam Successfully Develops Medical Support Robot**

On April 7, a medical support robot named Vibot-1a, developed by the Military Technical Academy and the Ministry of Defense, was introduced at the Bắc Thăng Long Hospital in Hanoi. This hospital was designated for isolating and treating COVID-19 patients during the outbreak.

The Vibot-1a robot autonomously moves from a central location to a designated point to deliver medications and interact with patients. It stops at the doors of patient rooms, offers medications, thanks patients, and wishes them good health. While moving, it plays songs encouraging people to prevent COVID-19.

Initially, the robot is designed to perform several functions:

- **Transporting Supplies:** It transports food, medicine, and essential supplies into patient rooms and carries out waste, including medical waste and laundry, from patient rooms to central collection areas.
- **Remote Communication:** It facilitates remote communication between healthcare workers and patients.

According to Associate Professor, Colonel Tang Quoc Nam, the project leader from the Military Technical Academy, the robot was developed within two weeks after receiving the assignment from the Ministry of Science and Technology. It was designed to handle various tasks, including transportation and remote communication, with a load capacity of up to 100 kg.

The robot's operations are controlled and monitored by a central command center, which also allows for expanding its operational range or adding more robots as needed. Besides its transportation functions, the robot is equipped with a dedicated communication channel that enables doctors and family members to interact with patients via clear audio and video.

Dr. Do Quang Thuan, Director of Bắc Thăng Long Hospital, praised the robot's ability to replace 3-5 healthcare staff members. He noted that its use not only reduces the risk of infection but also allows medical personnel to focus more on caring for and treating critically ill patients.

The Vibot-1a utilizes line-following and RFID positioning technologies to navigate isolation areas. It is equipped with sensors to detect and avoid obstacles and can operate continuously for up to 12 hours with its high-capacity battery and automatic charging station. The robot is currently undergoing real-world testing at Bắc Thăng Long Hospital.

Major General Nguyen Lac Hong, Deputy Director of the Military Technical Academy, stated that after completing the Vibot-1a version, the research team will continue to upgrade and improve the robot's features to achieve full automation and intelligence, aiming to match the advanced capabilities of robots like Aethon's TUG.

On April 7, a specialized team established by the Minister of Science and Technology reviewed and evaluated the results of the first phase of research and development of the Vibot-1a and recommended that the Ministry of Health consider its use in isolation facilities.

General Hong mentioned that the Academy has collaborated with various competent and experienced units, both military and civilian, to finalize the process and prepare for large-scale production to meet the demands of hospitals and isolation areas as needed.